What A Grand Way to Start September

It’s a get up late, lazy start to the day. One of the captains from the trio of boats rafted up in the cove with us came over in his dingy. “Hand me your camera, I’ll take a picture of your boat with the fog in the background”, he said. So I did and off he went. Either he was a very kind soul, or a clever camera thief. Nw_07_9_11__canadaindinghy

Our Canadian Photographer Friend Composes his next Shot


Five minutes later he returned with some nice photos of Discovery in Turnbull Cove, our first overnight anchorage.


Discovery in Turnbull Cove as the Fog Lifts

We planned a short trip over to Little Nimmo Bay, home of the Little Nimmo Bay Resort. They specialize in helicopter fishing, hiking and adventures. A seven day “adventure” costs about $14,000. On our way, we saw several seals playing and a few hauled out on a low-tide rocky patch or two. The entrance to Little Nimmo Bay looks wide and clear, but the charts make it very evident that it is fraught with underwater bugaboos. Thanks to Nobeltec (our computer based, GPS navigation system) and a good eye, we made it inside the bay without incident. After anchoring and enjoying a delicious Karen lunch, I call the resort to see if we could visit the facility. They welcomed us and we got a tour of the facility. It was indeed one of the nicest wilderness resorts we have been to so far. Next year is starting to book up fast so go to www.nimmobay.com/ and book your trip.


Little Nimmo Bay Resort

The pictures do not do it justice. The waterfall, which you cannot see in the photos, is the lifeblood of the facility. It provides fresh water and hydro-power for nine months of the year. In fact, they had just turned on the generator a few days ago. The resort is into “Sustainability” and leaving a minimal impact on the land. During our walk around, the owner arrived, via ‘copter. We later met him and spent an hour talking about the history of the facility, boating in the Northwest and all manner of other topics. He’s interested is getting a boat for he and his wife to enjoy in the area, so we invited him onboard Discovery to check out a GrandBanks 46. We set up a rendezvous for the next morning after the helicopters leave with the guests for a day of fishing and what not. In exchange, he offered to let us fill up our water tanks from his waterfall. Good deal for all. We explored little Nimmo Bay and the adjacent Big Nimmo Bay by dinghy.


Guests Return in the Last of the Three 'Copters After a Day of Adventure

It was a perfect day, the clouds retreated and the sun made an appearance. The jackets came off and it was grand. The owner of the resort said that everything this year is three weeks late, so we might be enjoying some mid-August-like weather today.


Karen with Discovery in the background, Little Nimmo Bay

It continued to get nicer as the hours passed and we were able to enjoy dinner up on the aft fly-deck, sans jackets; something we can never remember doing up here in the Northwest. We even had the opportunity to do some stargazing after the sun set. We’ll see what tomorrow brings, but whatever it is, we know the weather will change.